Re: Frame Imported Graphics

Subject: Re: Frame Imported Graphics
From: Dennis Hays <dhays -at- NOVALIS -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 08:35:39 -0400

Just to keep things straight. Frame does indeed import graphics by either
copying or by reference. But there are some variables in copying by
reference. You can import graphics by *absolute* reference and by
*relative* reference. When first importing a graphic by absolute reference,
if you type in the complete path and file name, the graphic is always
referenced by the complete path (example: C:\GRAPHICS\IMAGE.TIF). If
you're in a stable physical environment and you rarely transfer files
outside the workstation or network, this is a good solution.

The other import by reference is referencing the file and/or graphics
directory such as \\GRAPHICS\IMAGE.TIF or by point and click on the graphic
file. In this method, Frame looks for the graphics file *relative* to the
Frame HOME directory. Using relative reference, I can move the files to
another drive, or send them to someone outside my network, and, as long as
the graphic files are always in the same relative position to the Frame
HOME directory, Frame displays them.

Dennis Hays
Novalis Corporation
Telephone: 518/862-3465
eMail: dhays -at- novalis -dot- com

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