The Writer's Kit

Subject: The Writer's Kit
From: Bruce Byfield <bbyfield -at- AXIONET -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 20:27:50 -0500


>My question: what do members of this list consider basic >components of a freelance TW's kit - i.e., what's a 'must', >what's a 'should' and what's a 'nice to have'? I'm thinking >both hardware and software here.

That depends on what you specialize in. If you do marcom or layout, then
PageMaker would be a reasonable thing to have. Similarly, if you do
multimedia, then Adobe Premiere might be justified.

However, to try to establish a base-line, let me suggest the most basic
of the basic:

1.) Ms (shudderrr!) Word.
2.) FrameMaker
3.) An HTML Editor (yes, you can do things the hard way, but it's worth
saving time)
4.) Acrobat

As for hardware, you'd probably need as a minimum:

1.) 100 mhz Pentium
2.) 32 megabytes RAM (and the slower the clock speed, the more RAM)
3.) 2 gigabyte hard drive.
4.) 28.8 modem.

These, you note are the absolute minimum, in my opinion. I'm resisting
the temptation to point out that a zip drive or some other removable
drive is desirable, or any of a dozen other considerations.

Bruce Byfield, Outlaw Communications
(bbyfield -at- axionet -dot- com) (604) 421-7189 or 687-2133 X. 269

"Then fareweel ye banks o' Sicily,
Fare ye weel ye valley an' shaw,
There's nae Jock will mourn the kyles o' ye,
Puir bluidie swaddies are weary."
- Hamish Henderson,
"The 51'st Division's Farewell to Sicily"

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