Re: Tips for the Interviewer

Subject: Re: Tips for the Interviewer
From: Bruce Byfield <bbyfield -at- AXIONET -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 20:23:02 -0500

Anita Collins <acollins -at- ROCKTENN -dot- COM> wrote:

>From that experience I learned how important it is to get a >second opinion if you can, preferably someone who will also be >working with the person.

I second that. I recently hired for the first time, and, if nothing
else, I was very glad to have a second opinion to base my final
decision on.

Another thing I found useful was to spend about ten minutes after each
interview trying to focus my thoughts and find reasons for my
impressions, then writing them down. It's not surprising, I guess that,
as a writer, I feel most comfortable when I put my feelings into words,
but I decided in the end that my impressions were usually based on
something real, and that, once I had written them down, that I had more
information to go on. That could be self-deceiving, I suppose, but I
don't think so: the people whose second opinions I got mentioned many of
the things I only realized after the interviews.

Bruce Byfield, Outlaw Communications
(bbyfield -at- axionet -dot- com) (604) 421-7189 or 687-2133 X. 269

"Then fareweel ye banks o' Sicily,
Fare ye weel ye valley an' shaw,
There's nae Jock will mourn the kyles o' ye,
Puir bluidie swaddies are weary."
- Hamish Henderson,
"The 51'st Division's Farewell to Sicily"

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