Re: FWD: (Writing and) Editing as a career

Subject: Re: FWD: (Writing and) Editing as a career
From: Damien Braniff <Damien_Braniff -at- PAC -dot- CO -dot- UK>
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 09:20:38 +0000

Ideally you shold NEVER check/edit your own work. In effect everyone does
as they go through the writing process but once you have a draft doc for
proper review it should be checked by someone else. When you are really
familiar with a project you don't always write what you think you wrote
and, when checking, you see what you meant to write not what you actually
wrote - if that makes any sense!

Ideally drafts and final copy should go through TWO types of check - one
technical (could be by another writer familar with project, engineer etc -
depends on setup) who is checking what you have said is correct. The other
should be by someone unrelated (or only vaguely related - eg manager!) with
the project who essentially is checking it reads OK, ts crossed, i; dotted
and so.

Damien Braniff
Technical Author
PAC International

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