Files on the Server (was Re: PageMaker vs Word)

Subject: Files on the Server (was Re: PageMaker vs Word)
From: "Marie C. Paretti" <mparetti -at- RRINC -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 08:41:04 -0500

At 04:13 PM 1/14/98 -0600, Tracy wrote:
>Are you saying that one should always store one's files on the server?
>Does this give anyone else a shiver down their spine?

Not only do I store all my files on the network, that's the only place I
store them. As everyone says, the network gets backed up regularly (daily
here), and it saved my butt when I ran into the dreaded sidehead crash in
Frame 5.5 and couldn't open my docs to save my life. We just pulled
yesterdays version off the net and I was off and running.

The main reason I don't keep local copies is that it doesn't seem fruitful
-- at the end of the day I'd have to remember to copy the local versions
back to the network, and I don't trust myself enough to do that. With
daily network backups, I know the most I would ever lose would be a day's
worth of work (and on bad days that doesn't seem like much! :-> )

The caveats -- I'm the only writer in the company, and all the docs are in
my private directory on the net. Plus, we're a small company (20-something
of us here, all programmers but me, plus a couple of sales people wandering
the country doing whatever they do) -- if the net goes down for some
reason, even if our sys admin is absent it's not long before someone else
manages to reboot the thing. I can see how this kind of setup would be
riskier in a larger company with more network stuff going on, etc.


Marie C. Paretti
Recognition Research, Inc. (RRI)
1750 Pratt Drive, Suite 2000
Blacksburg, VA 24060
mparetti -at- rrinc -dot- com

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