staff consultants

Subject: staff consultants
From: "Chung, Emily" <Emily -at- INTERWORLD -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 10:24:19 -0500

Hi all-
I was wondering if anybody out there has had any experience as a "staff"
consultant. I have a possibility of taking a position with a consulting
company (i'll call it XYZ) that has about 55 tech. writing staff
consultants that work for XYZ (receiving XYZ benefits, salary, on-site
training etc.) but work on various projects for all kinds of different
companies. XYZ gives the opportunity of working on or off-site,
depending on the requirements of the project, and provides the equipment
and software necessary for any particular project. My main questions are
-- 1.) Is this a good step for someone who has no experience consulting
but wants to ultimately go completely freelance at some point? 2.) What
is a good approximation of salary for a staff consultant? All comments,
suggestions, pros and cons, are greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Emily Chung
Sr.Technical Writer, InterWorld Corporation

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