Surprised over low rates/word - some languages.

Subject: Surprised over low rates/word - some languages.
From: John Norgaard <john -dot- pmail -at- GET2NET -dot- DK>
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 20:07:24 +0200

I must say that I am a bit surprised over the low rates that some offers
for translation work. Some translators have needed assistance to finish
their word and offers rates as low as us$0.04 per word. Isn't that
extremely low? Or is it because that there are so many translators
(competitors) for some languages?

I generally view my rates for Eng => Danish translations to be in the lower
end - us$0.12 to us$0.20 per word. A fellow translator in our neighbour
city (englishman) often receives offers with rates from us$0.06 to us$0.08,
but he rejects them and will only accept a minimum at us$0.15 per word for
his translations from English into Danish.

As I has understod it, translation is not a mass-market product, but a
product that is different and 'custom designed' time after time. Why is it
then, that someone accepts these low rates. Isn't it a responsibility for
each translator not to accept extreme low rate offers. If they do, they
contribute to lower (discount/sell out) rates in the field in general?

Please let me have some comments on the level of the rates in the
translation field.

Best regards


John Norgaard
Freelance Translator
john -dot- pmail -at- get2net -dot- dk
Eng <=> Danish. Technical/non-technical
Computing: books, manuals, doumentation.
Software localization: convertion of all dia-
log boxes, menu text, help and ressource
files, graphics, icons, screenshots etc.
Web page translation.
Commercial: Books, sales, marketing materials

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