Justifying Another Writer

Subject: Justifying Another Writer
From: Virginia Jensen <VJensen -at- NIFCU -dot- ORG>
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 22:43:19 -0800

Does anyone have any information about how many pages of constantly
changing information can be handled by one writer? I write policies and
procedures for Branch Operations at a Credit Union. The manuals total
about 2000 pages. I'm lucky if a procedure is accurate for a year
because of software upgrades and product changes. There's also a lot of
information that should be documented that isn't. I don't write full
time, I'm also the financial software SME and coordinate the testing of
new upgrades and Credit Union products. I spend about half my time on
each. (I used to do the training too, but finally got rid of that last

I provide paper documents because of management requirements and
training needs. Now we're finally moving into the 90's (after all
they're almost over) and the information is going online. We're also
going to a whole new computer system for the Tellers so I'll be starting
from scratch on that manual. I've been told I may be getting another
manual that is about 500 pages that needs quiet a few revisions.

I know there is no way I can do all of this -- I can't keep up with what
I have. My boss leaves everything to do with writing up to me and is
looking to me for justification for another writer. I don't think a
contractor will work since the information changes so frequently. Any
words of advice is greatly appreciated.

Virginia Jensen
vjensen -at- nifcu -dot- org

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