Re: Thoughts on Working With Developers (long)

Subject: Re: Thoughts on Working With Developers (long)
From: Melonie Holliman <melonie -dot- holliman -at- TXEXMTA4 -dot- AMD -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 13:44:29 -0500


I do try to provide the cleanest draft I can at all times; I just think
that is professional. However, time restraints do not always permit
a good edit. I often get requests for a draft far before I am comfortable
handing it off. I will go ahead and give it to them with a written
regarding what has not yet been done.

I understand the point Steve was trying to make. For some reason, some
SMEs think a review means grammar and style editing. I have had some
get resentful because they spent hours editing my English and the
document style (edits which I will often disagree with and ignore). I find
myself repeating "you worry about the content, I'll worry about everything
else." Now, don't get me wrong: I prefer that an SME find a grammarical
mistake rather than a customer so I welcome that input. I just don't want
them to concentrate on that rather than the technical content (and some
will if I give them the chance).

I have discovered it sometimes helps to explain my function and job. At
times, the SME just does not understand their responsibilities.

Melonie R. Holliman
Technical Writer
CPD Marketing
Advanced Micro Devices

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jill Burgchardt [SMTP:jburgcha -at- pestilence -dot- itc -dot- nrcs -dot- usda -dot- gov]
> I'm curious, how "rough" do most people consider okay when they're giving
> an SME a document?
> Jill Burgchardt
> jburgcha -at- pestilence -dot- itc -dot- nrcs -dot- usda -dot- gov

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