Re: What to do in slack times?

Subject: Re: What to do in slack times?
From: Dave Neufeld <Dave_Neufeld -at- SPECTRUMSIGNAL -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 11:08:51 -0700

Since I'm fairly goal-oriented, I get antsy during those slack times as
well. Look for productive things that you want or like to do in order to
keep motivated, rather than productive things that you dislike doing. Some
possibilities are:
* Develop, define, and document your departments policies and
* Create or update that Style Guide
* Create or update your departmental intranet web page
* Don't just aimlessly surf the web; use it to do competitive analysis
on your competitors manuals and evaluate new applications
* If you use MSWord, create some macros to make your job easier (or
polish up those sloppy macros you made 3 months ago)
* Ask your manager for the resources and approval to learn a new
programming language or product at work

If that fails and you want more risk, try these:
* Unexpectedly edit the work of others; this can be SO character
building for all involved <g>. It also can get exciting as you anticipate
them throwing things at you, or letting the air out of your tires... ;)
* Get paranoid
* Day trade on internet stocks and lose all your money

David Neufeld
Technical Publications
Spectrum Signal Processing, Inc.
dave_neufeld -at- spectrumsignal -dot- com
"no matter where you go..... there you are." -- Buckaroo Banzai

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