Re: engineers

Subject: Re: engineers
From: Melonie Holliman <melonie -dot- holliman -at- TXEXMTA4 -dot- AMD -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 11:33:31 -0500


This does happen a bit in the real world. As earlier stated,
some people are twits. I had a boss (a developer) who had
this attitude. When I left that company, he took me aside and,
in a round about way, told me how I had changed that opinion.
Some engineers are absolutely delighted that they don't have
to do the writing and amazed that I can write about things which
I only have a vague understanding of.

This brings up an issue my sister and I were discussing. She
is a high school math and science teacher. More and more
Americans are graduating highschool without the necessary
background to study any form of higher engineering. Therefore,
more and more foreign engineers are being hired.

Now, what does this mean to our industry? I would think that it
means we will be in more demand rather than less. I wonder if
it has anything to do with the higher demand for tech writers
now (or are companies just starting to understand our value?).

Just something that was playing on my mind.

Melonie R. Holliman
Technical Writer
CPD Marketing
Advanced Micro Devices

> -----Original Message-----
> Hello, everyone! This is my first post to the list, so please be kind.
> I am wondering if anyone can tell me the current state of the relationship
> between writers and the esteemed wizards, engineers, in industry. I ask
> because
> I work with a smart young woman, graduating soon with a degree in Computer
> Engineering. Yesterday she ranted on Tech Writers as "useless, overpaid,
> and
> not altogether capable" of understanding what she and her peers do. Is
> this
> typical? Or is this simply the musings of a naive young intellect, without
> exposure to the real world? Just hoping it's different in real life.
> Graham Fredrickson

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