Re: Image file manipulation program?

Subject: Re: Image file manipulation program?
From: Seb <techwritersblock -at- gmail -dot- com>
To: "McLauchlan, Kevin" <Kevin -dot- McLauchlan -at- safenet-inc -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 16:48:29 -0500

You might want to check out Splashup. It's a free, flash based photo
editor. I've been playing around with it recently, and it's pretty
surprising how versatile it is. It has most of the features you'd
expect from Photoshop, but with a much better price (free).

While it may not be more than a novelty at the moment, free online
based software seems to be the way things are headed (look at Google
Docs for a good example). If anything, it's a fun way to kill the last
afternoon before Thanksgiving weekend. :-)


On Nov 21, 2007 3:04 PM, McLauchlan, Kevin
<Kevin -dot- McLauchlan -at- safenet-inc -dot- com> wrote:
> I'm seeking recommendations for a program to modify bitmaps (photos,
> jpg, bmp... the usual suspects).
> It should be more capable than the Paint program that comes with
> Windows, but much more slim and compact than The GIMP or Photoshop.
> It should have Windows and Linux versions, because I switch back and
> forth a lot and want the same user interface.
> If it's FLOSS, that's nice, but not a deal-breaker if it's not.
> If it's free-as-in-beer, that's very nice, but I'll spring some cash for
> something that comes solidly recommended.
> I want it to have your recommendation because you've been using it and
> you're a respected member of this esteemed institution... er, I mean,
> list.
> Google produces a large boat-load of potentially suitable candidates.
> I'm hoping the experience of the list denizens can help weed out the
> lame and dangerous, so I can look at a few gems (i.e., avoid
> re-inventing this particular wheel).
> The availability of scads of capability in a tool is all very nice, but
> I'm tired of waiting more than a minute while The GIMP loads modules,
> before I can start tweaking a photo. It's also something of a resource
> hog.
> The most common activities I perform are lightening/darkening, cropping,
> removing the background from behind a piece of irregularly-shaped
> equipment I've just photographed. Maybe a little dodging to highlight
> specific parts and features (always useful when the equipment in
> question is black-on-black-with-black...), adding callout arrows or
> action/motion indicators (basically big red arrows).
> Among all the thousands of you intrepid technical communicators are a
> few who know what I mean and who have already found just the right tool.
> Sound off.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
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Image file manipulation program?: From: McLauchlan, Kevin

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