Re: Standards for warning icons

Subject: Re: Standards for warning icons
From: Peter Neilson <neilson -at- windstream -dot- net>
To: Nancy Allison <maker -at- verizon -dot- net>
Date: Fri, 07 Aug 2009 12:53:33 -0400

Nancy Allison wrote:
> I need resources to figure out an intelligent standard for warning icons ...

It's almost certain that each target country already has a standard,
that some of the standards require English, some require another
language, some require there be no language, and some avoid requiring
language. (I'm particularly disgusted with the "no language" or
"one-size-fits-all" heiroglyphics that nobody can understand. My camera
has a lightning bolt. It means "flash on" not "hazard of shock". Or does

The standards will differ from each other, and some will be deficient in
ways you cannot imagine. Luckily, in most countries the lawyers do not
have as high a level of tort law as is available in the US, so the
consequences of failure of the documentation are more limited. You will
not go to prison.

How have you gotten saddled with this problem? Isn't it up to the
client's legal department to do the necessary research and present you
with vetted icons and standards for each country?

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