One more for the "other" category

Subject: One more for the "other" category
From: Gregory=Kushmerek%AcctgMed%FIN -at- HUMRES-SERVER -dot- NET -dot- TUFTS -dot- EDU
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 09:52:57 EDT

I'm glad to see the thread on "Who's not in sw/hw?" I'm somewhere
on the fringes in my own position. Hired fresh out of a tech
writing program, I was told that I'd be doing documentation as
well as some interface design for the Finance Dept.

What I end up doing is some documentation, and a lot more in the
user-support department. I teach classes in a 4GL named FOCUS and
I provide user support for the product. I'm pretty happy with the
course materials I've created for the classes although I feel I need
to review and rewrite the entire process (this would be the subject
of a very long post).

Meanwhile, I'm actually happy about the level of computer non-technical
writing work I do (significant in it own right) b/c I think that someday
I wouldn't mind doing some more MIS type of work. Right now I'm in
a niche that allows me a little of both worlds. My biggest risk
is not developing my skills enough on both MIS and tech writing fronts
such that I'm hireable in other positions. Otherwise, I'd end up
a 4GL programmer (this is _not_ my desired goal).


Greg Kushmerek

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