SGML Reference Docs

Subject: SGML Reference Docs
From: "Laura M. Myott" <myottlm -at- CRAFT -dot- CAMP -dot- CLARKSON -dot- EDU>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 11:42:18 -0400

I was wondering if someone could help me with an urgent problem. I have
been searching the WWW for a reference document on SGML. For my TC
internship this semester, I have to convert some documents from HTML to
SGML and I have yet to find anything on the Web which gives the sytax
for SGML documents. I know that here at Clarkson, another TC student
has written a brief reference on how to write HTML documents so I'm
hoping that someone somewhere else has done the same for SGML.

If anyone knows of a WWW location or anonymous ftp site where I can find
such a document, or if anyone can give me a brief run-down of SGML syntax
(for example, what does <hi> do?) I would greatly appreciate it. This
has to be done by the end of the semester and it's been a slow processes
going through the texts and trying to figure out what the codes mean (I've
figured out most through the context they're used in, but some are used in
ways in which I can't see a connection).

Thank you,
Laura Myott
Clarkson University '94
myottlm -at- craft -dot- camp -dot- clarkson -dot- edu

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