Manual non-standard font question

Subject: Manual non-standard font question
From: Tom Herme <therme -at- NVBELL -dot- NET>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 18:49:41 -0800

I have a question for all of you. I have a 300 page manual that uses a common serif
font, twelve point for body text and headings. The product name includes 32 at the end,
for example, "Software32" to distinguish it from our older DOS product. I include a
non-breaking space between "Software" and "32".

My marketing manager wants to format every instance of the product name in Brush Script
and give a superscript appearance to the 32.

I question the readability of this since every page may have multiple instances of the
product name. I think that readers may become distracted by this.

I'd appreciate your thoughts on this. Please reply on the list.


Tom Herme
mailto://therme -at- nvbell -dot- net

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