QUERY: Switch or Switcher?

Subject: QUERY: Switch or Switcher?
From: Julie Pitt <Julie_Pitt -at- SIGNALCORP -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 10:19:49 -0400

(Cross-posted to CE-L and TECHWR-L)

Are the terms "switch(es)" and "switcher(s)" interchangeable in the networking
world? For context, we're talking about spanning tree protocol and how it
affects users logging on and off of networks. I will be editing an article
written by a senior network engineer here, and he seems to switch (pardon the
word choice) among these terms freely, without any discernible difference in
meaning. When I asked him about it, he was pretty vague; he tends to be a poor
speller, so I wasn't sure if "switcher" was a typo or not. Then I ran into the
term on a Web page, so now I'm really not sure.

Julie, who wasn't switched at birth
julie_pitt -at- signalcorp -dot- com
Fairfax, VA

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